Dr Kathleen Rushton

BA(Hons)(Sociology), GradDipAdultEd(TESOL), DipEd, MA, MEd(Research), PhD
Honorary Lecturer
+61 2 9351 6351
+61 2 93512606
A35 / 607
The University of Sydney

Kathy Rushton is interested in supporting students from culturally and linguistically diverse communities to develop agency in the use of translanguaging. As an experienced primary and secondary EAL/D teacher, she is also interested in the impact of teacher professional learning on the development of language and literacy, especially for students from socio-economically disadvantaged communities.

Outstanding Professional Service Award, Association for TESOL Professional Teachers Council, NSW 

  • Editorial Board Member, SCAN magazine (a quarterly refereed journal published by (CLIC) NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre)
  • Member, Association for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages NSW Inc. (ATESOL)
  • Council Member, ATESOL, 2020- present & 1996–2015
  • Council Member, Australian Council of TESOL Associations, 2012-2015
  • Reviewer, TESOL in Context
  • Reviewer, The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 
  • Reviewer, SCAN
  • Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education Review

  • Ewing, R. & Rushton, K. Ed's. (2023). The role of the arts in early language and literacy development. Switzerland:MDPI.
  • Ewing, R; O’Brien, S.; Rushton, K.; Stewart, L.; Burke, R. & Brousseuk, D. (2022)
    English and Literacies: Learning how to make meaning in primary classrooms. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press
  • Dutton, J., D'warte, J., Rossbridge, J., Rushton, K. (2018). Tell me your story: Confirming identity and engaging writers in the middle years. Sydney: Primary English Teachers Association Australia (PETAA).
  • Ewing, R., Callow, J., Rushton, K. (2016). Language and literacy development in early childhood. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Rossbridge, J., Rushton, K. (2011). Conversations about text 2: teaching grammar using factual text. Sydney: Primary English Teachers Association Australia (PETAA).
  • Rushton, K., Rossbridge, J. (2010). Conversations about Text. Teaching Grammar using Literary Texts. Newtown, NSW: Primary English Teachers Association Australia (PETAA).

Book chapters
  • Rushton, K. (2022). Developing knowledge about language and grammar in context. In R. Ewing, S. O’Brien, K. Rushton, L. Stewart, R. Burke & D. Brosseuk, English and literacies: Learning how to make meaning in primary classrooms, (pp. 227-248). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Rushton, K. (2022). Working with EAL/D learners: creating positive, inclusive environments, especially for First Nations learners. In R. Ewing, S. O’Brien, K. Rushton, L. Stewart, R. Burke & D. Brosseuk, English and literacies: Learning how to make meaning in primary classrooms, (pp. 249-272). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Callow, J., Rushton, K. (2019). "A gallery of practices - Mobile learning, language, literacy and the arts (K-6)." In Grace Oakley (Eds.), Mobile technologies in children's language and literacy: Innovative pedagogy in preschool and primary education, (pp. 29-49). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. [More Information]
  • Rushton, K. (2007). "The significance of text in the teaching of reading in the early years." In Alyson Simpson (Eds.), Future directions in literacy: International conversations conference 2007, (pp. 256-268). Sydney: Sydney University Press.

Journal articles
  • Dutton, J. & Rushton, K. (2023) Representing Identity: TheImportance of Literature and the Translanguaging Space for EAL/D Early Years Literacy Learning. https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bHeqCL7EwMfPW1J54cqae8C?domain=mdpi.com 
  • Nguyen,H. & Rushton, K. (2023). Teachers’ perceptions about their work with EAL/D students in a standards-based educational context. TESOL in Context, 31 (1), 49-72.
  • Dutton, J. & Rushton, K. (2022). 'Drama pedagogy: subverting and remaking learning in the thirdspace', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, Online first. [More Information]
  • Dutton, J., Rushton, K. (2021). "Using the translanguaging space to facilitate poetic representation of language and identity." Language Teaching Research, 25(1), 105-133. [More Information]
  • Dutton, J., Rushton, K. (2018). "Confirming identity using drama pedagogy: English teachers' creative response to high-stakes literacy testing." English in Australia, 53(1), 5-14.
  • Murphy, M., Rushton, K. (2018). "Mind the gap: The critical role of school leaders in promoting parents and teachers as partners." Scan, 37(10), 1-11. [More Information]

Research reports

Conference presentation
  • Rushton, K. (2006). "Teaching grammar in context – across the KLAs." Future Directions in Literacy Conference and Certificate of Primary Literacy Education 2006, Sydney: University of Sydney.