Dr Arlene Harvey

BA(Hons), PhD
Honorary Senior Lecturer
+61 2 9351 7037
+61 2 9351 4865
A35 / 745
The University of Sydney

Arlene Harvey completed a PhD in linguistics at the University of Sydney. Her initial training as a linguist has informed her teaching and research across a diverse range of areas such as: academic literacy, educational linguistics, organisational communication, ethics, management and leadership. She has held positions in linguistics and management at the University of Sydney, and at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, teaching in undergraduate, master's and MBA programs. She is currently a research affiliate with The University of Sydney's National Centre for Cultural Competence.

Arlene also works with teachers in various faculties and schools across the University of Sydney to embed support for students' development of academic language and learning and provides academic support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students across the university as Coordinator of the Cadigal Academic Enrichment Program and in collaboration with the Mana Yura unit (ITAS tutor-training program). In her current research, Arlene is interested in exploring the complexities of embedding communication and cultural competence as graduate qualities in the curriculum and co-curriculum.

  • Research Affiliate, National Centre for Cultural Competence, The University of Sydney
  • Member, Association for Academic Language and Learning 
  • Member, European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing

Book chapters
  • Stevenson, M., James, B., Harvey, A., Kim, M., Szenes, E. (2018). Reflective writing: A transitional space between theory and practice. In Kristyan Spelman Miller, Marie Stevenson (Eds.), Transitions in Writing, (pp. 264-300). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Harvey, A. (2004). Charismatic business leader rhetoric: From transaction to transformation. In Young, L and Harrison, C (Eds.), Systemic Functional Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis: Studies in Social Change, (pp. 247-263). United Kingdom: Continuum.

Selected journal articles
  • Harvey, A., Drury, H., White, P. (2020). "Developing animal science and veterinary science students' communication skills using a multimodal brochure assignment." Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 14(1), 68-86.
  • Harvey, A., Russell, G. (2019). "Decolonising the curriculum: using graduate qualities to embed Indigenous knowledges at the academic cultural interface." Teaching in Higher Education, 24(6), 789-808. [More Information]
  • Harvey, A., Russell, G., Hoving, E. (2016). "Modelling interdisciplinary collaboration to build cultural competence and academic literacy." Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 10(1), A101-A117.

Selected conferences
  • Chisari, M., Harvey, A., Millman, T. (2019). "Academic literacy at the cultural crossroads: Mediating teachers' expectations and students understandings." Internationalisation in Higher Education: Sustainable Approaches to Research, Reaching and Learning, and Leadership Symposium, TBA: TBA.
  • Gwynn, J., Harvey, A., Gilroy, J., Penman, M., Russell, G. (2018). "Indigenous Health and Critical Self-Reflection: Looking inwards to achieve culturally safe practice." National Centre for Cultural Competence Cultural Competence and the Higher Education Sector: Dilemmas, Policies and Practice, Not applicable: Not Applicable Records.
  • Szenes, E., Harvey, A., James, B., Drury, H. (2017). "The role of SFL and genre-based pedagogy in disciplinary literacy instruction: driving curriculum renewal in tertiary disciplines." 44th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress, Wollongong, NSW Australia: 44th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress.

"A critical self-reflection model for supporting university students' academic literacy development"

"Supporting students' development of critical thinking in disciplinary contexts: A cultural competence perspective"

"Developing undergraduate Veterinary Science students’ academic and client-focussed communication capacities"
