Janet George's first professional qualification was in pharmacy and University teaching, followed by postgraduate qualifications in sociology and social policy. Her professional life has been focused on research, publication and teaching in the fields of social policy, social development and social work education, primarily at The University of Sydney.
During seven years in Hong Kong, Janet researched at The University of Hong Kong and taught at City Polytechnic (now university) of Hong Kong. For 15 years, she served on committees of the Asian and Pacific Association for Social Work Education (including as president from 1993-97) and the International Association of Schools of Social Work, as an elected Board member from 1990-94 and 1998-2002 and Vice-President (Asia-Pacific) 1994-97.
Janet's research and teaching interests are in the fields of health policy, notably published in States of Health: Health and Illness in Australia, which she co-authored with Alan Davis and which has been updated and republished in two succeeding editions.
Janet has also written numerous journal articles and presentations in the fields of social policy, social development, human rights, social work education and issue-based learning, social work and health care, ageing (including presenting the inaugural Celia Weisman lecture at the International Federation of Social Workers Conference, Adelaide, 2004). Administratively, served at The University of Sydney as Head of the Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Sociology from 1997–2000.