Rosalie Pockett is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work (SSESW) at The University of Sydney. She has a career background in hospital/health social work practice and her areas of research interest include health inequalities and social justice perspectives; interprofessional education and practice; critical reflection in education; leadership and management in social work; advanced care and end-of-life care planning; practice-based research; professional practice supervision; new graduates and the workplace; the occupational culture of social work, and classification systems for social work practice. Rosalie has held the following positions in SSESW:
- Honorary Senior Lecturer (2014–present)
- BSW Program Director (2010–2014)
- Research Progress Manager
- Research Ethics Adviser
She has provided postgraduate and higher-degree-research supervision in a range of areas including dementia and guardianship; social care and social enterprise in Korea; parent carers and interdisciplinary teams; social work as emotional labour; transitioning to residential aged care; and stroke rehabilitation and family conferences.
Before joining SSESW, Rosalie held the position of Director of Social Work at Westmead Hospital
and Area Director, Western Sydney Area Health Service, NSW Health, and has more than 25 years practice experience in the health field.