Dr Judy Anderson

BA, BSc, DipEd, MEd, PhD
Honorary Associate Professor
+61 2 9351 6384
+61 2 93512606
A35 / 307
The University of Sydney

Judy Anderson worked at The University of Sydney for more than 18 years and was Associate Professor in Mathematics Education for much of that time. She was the Director of the STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy from 2015 to July 2020 leading a team of academics from across the University in delivering an innovative professional learning program for primary and secondary STEM teachers in NSW. By 2020, the Academy had supported more than 1250 teachers and implemented programs in 220 schools. She also held the position of Associate Dean Learning and Teaching with responsibility for supporting teaching staff in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work by developing a range of professional learning opportunities to meet staff needs, ensuring the implementation of University policies, representing the Faculty on University committees, and leading and directing learning and teaching innovations. Prior to her role at the University, Judy worked at the Board of Studies NSW (now NESA) as a Senior Curriculum Officer, Mathematics K-12, responsible for the development of the mathematics syllabuses for NSW schools.
Judy is an active researcher in STEM education particularly in the field of teachers’ beliefs and practices, as well as in exploring the impact of professional development on classroom practice. She has presented papers at local, national and international research conferences and has published widely in research and teacher education journals. She uses both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to explore teaching practices, particularly in relation to integrated STEM education, problem solving and inquiry-based learning. With other University of Sydney academics, she has won two large competitive ARC Linkage grants to explore middle year’s students’ motivation and engagement in mathematics. With colleagues from five other Australian eastern seaboard universities, she won a tender from the Office of the Chief Scientist to conduct an extensive investigation into schools which had demonstrated substantial growth and success in the Australian national numeracy tests (NAPLAN) to identify exemplary policies, programs and practices. Funded by the Office of the Chief Scientist, and with colleagues from several other universities, she won a large grant and led a team from the University of Sydney investigating strategies to improve pre-service mathematics and science teacher education through collaboration between Science and Education faculty members.

  • University of Sydney representative, International Executive Committee for the International STEM Education Association
  • Secretary, International Committee for the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 
  • Associate Editor, Curriculum Perspectives
  • Editorial Board member, Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 
  • Member, Education Council for the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta
  • Immediate Past President, Australian Curriculum Studies Association
  • Past President, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
  • Past President, Mathematical Association of NSW 

Book chapters
  • Anderson, J., Makar, K. (2024). The Contribution of Mathematics to an Integrated STEM Curriculum in Schools. In: Anderson, J., Makar, K. (eds) The Contribution of Mathematics to School STEM Education. Springer, Singapore. [More information]
  • Anderson, J. (2024). Approaches to Analysing the Mathematics in Integrated STEM Tasks. In: Anderson, J., Makar, K. (eds) The Contribution of Mathematics to School STEM Education. Springer, Singapore. [More information]
  • Anderson, J. (2024). How Mathematics in STEM Can Contribute to Responsible Citizenship Education in Schools. In: Anderson, J., Makar, K. (eds) The Contribution of Mathematics to School STEM Education. Springer, Singapore. [More information]
  • Anderson, J., Tully, D. (2024). Creating New STEM Opportunities in Schools: Teachers as Curriculum Designers. In: Li, Y., Zeng, Z., Song, N. (eds) Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education in STEM. Advances in STEM Education. Springer, Cham. [More information]
  • English, L. D., & Anderson, J. (2021). STEM and integration. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer Nature. [More information]
  • Anderson, J. & Tully, D. (2020). Mathematics teacher educator collaborations: Building a community of practice with prospective teachers. In K. Beswick & O. Chapman (Ed.), International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Volume 4: The mathematics teacher educator as a developing professional (pp. 103–129), Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
  • Anderson, J., English, L., Fitzallen, N. & Symons, D. (2020). The contribution of mathematics education researchers to the current STEM education agenda. In J. Way, C. Attard, J. Anderson, J. Bobis, H. McMaster & K. Cartwright (Ed.), Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2016-2019 (pp. 27–57), Singapore: Springer.
  • Anderson, J. & Tully, D. (2020). Designing and evaluating an integrated STEM professional development program for Secondary and Primary school teachers in Australia. In J. Anderson & Y. Li (Ed.), Integrated approaches to STEM education: An international perspective (pp. 403–425), Switzerland: Springer.
  • Tytler, R., Williams, G., Hobbs, L. & Anderson, J. (2019). Challenges and opportunities for a STEM interdisciplinary agenda. In B. Doig, J. Williams, D. Swanson, R. Borromeo Ferri, P. Drake (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Mathematics Education: The State of the Art and Beyond (pp. 51–81), Cham: Springer.

Journal articles
  • Tytler, R., Anderson, J. & Williams, G. Exploring a framework for integrated STEM: challenges and benefits for promoting engagement in learning mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education 55, 1299–1313 (2023) [More information]
  • Anderson, J., Tytler, R., & Williams, G. (2023). Supporting curriculum innovation in integrated STEM for secondary teachers in Australia. Research in Integrated STEM Education, 1(1), 30-59. [More information]
  • Tully, D. & Anderson, J. (2021). Adapting to uncertain times: Implementing integrated STEM curriculum during the COVID19 pandemic and the impact on student attitudes. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 7(2), 134-141. DOI: 10.18178/ijlt.7.2.134-141
  • Anderson, J. (2020). The STEM education phenomenon and its impact on school curriculum. Curriculum Perspectives, 40(2), 217–223. DOI:10.1007/s41297-020-00107-3
  • Bobis, J., Khosronejad, M., Way, J. & Anderson, J. (2020). "Sage on the stage" or "meddler in the middle": Shifting mathematics teachers' identities to support student engagement. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 23(6), 615–632. DOI:10.1007/s10857-019-09444-1
  • Collie, R., Martin, A., Bobis, J., Way, J. & Anderson, J. (2019). How students switch on and switch off in mathematics: Exploring patterns and predictors of (dis)engagement across middle school and high school. Educational Psychology, 39(4), 489–509. DOI:10.1080/01443410.2018.1537480
  • Anderson, J., Wilson, K., Tully, D. & Way, J. (2019). "Can we build the wind powered car again?" Students' and teachers' responses to a new integrated STEM curriculum. Journal of Research in STEM Education (J-STEM), 5(1), 20–39. DOI:10.51355/jstem.2019.61 
  • Anderson, J. (2019). Supporting STEM curriculum implementation with professional learning: The University of Sydney STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1340, 1–9. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1340/1/012001
Conference papers
  • Anderson, J. Swanson, B. (2021). Secondary mathematics teachers' use of Facebook for professional learning. In M. Inprasitha, N. Changsri & N. Boonsena (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol.2, pp. 1-9). Khon Kaen, Thailand: PME.
  • Anderson, J. & Cha, U. (2019). Implementing inquiry-based learning (IBL): Opportunities and constraints for beginning secondary mathematics teachers. In Graven, M., Venkat, H., Essien, A. & Vale, P. Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2,pp. 25–32). Pretoria, 7-12 July 2019. 

  • Understanding and Building the Strengths and Skills of Non-Specialist Mathematics Teachers and Schools Capacities for Junior Secondary Mathematics, Watt H, Bobis J, Anderson J, Holmes K, Richardson P, Department of Education (NSW)/Strategic Research Fund 2021
  • Promoting adolescents’ mathematics engagement and participation in NSW, Holmes K, Watt H, Mackenzie E, Berger N, O’Connor B R, Department of Education (NSW)/Strategic Research Fund 2021