Dr Elizabeth Cassity is a Principal Research Fellow in the Education and Development Program at ACER. Her area of technical expertise is in the discipline of Comparative and International Education. Elizabeth has over 20 years’ experience working in the Pacific, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Zimbabwe and Namibia as researcher and university academic specialising in the education sector. She is a specialist in research design, case study methodology and qualitative research in low-and middle-income country education contexts. Elizabeth is passionate about research partnerships and is an expert in research on teaching, teacher professional learning, research and government partnerships in education, student learning and equity outcomes, and policy research. Her work is systems-based, using a lens of reform and an understanding of comparative growth, policy, and development to address equity, or lack thereof, in education.
She leads a 10-year technical partnership with the Educational Quality and Assessment Program (EQAP) of the Pacific Community (SPC) in Suva, Fiji; and leads a number of other research initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region. She is a project lead for the DFAT-funded, multi-year teacher development studies in Timor-Leste and Vanuatu, and provides technical support to the study in Lao PDR.
At the University of Sydney, she was a lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Social Work, and she conducted Australian Research Council-funded research on development partner assistance and the education sector in the Pacific and Southeast Asia and supervised several postgraduate students. She was a University expert on education, equity and sustainable development. She was a Visiting Researcher at the State University of Rio de Janiero (UERJ). She was also a teacher in northern Namibia.